Sunday, February 15, 2015

Imagery Psychology


Imagery is a natural, yet special, way of thinking that involves our senses. Images are thoughts you can see, hear, smell, taste or feel, and include memories, dreams and daydreams, plans and visions, and fantasies. Imagery is a type of thinking that has particularly strong effects on our emotions (imagine the face of someone you love and notice the feelings that come with the image), and our physiology (close your eyes and imagine sucking on a really sour lemon).
Imagery is a mental technique that programs the mind and body to respond optimally. Imagery is a flow of thoughts you can see, hear, feel, smell, or taste.

Guided Imagery

Guided imagery describes a process where you are asked to focus on images selected to help you achieve certain goals. Common applications include relaxation, relieving pain and other physical symptoms, reducing distress from surgery and other medical procedures, increasing creativity, enhancing confidence, stimulating healing responses in the body, and enhancing memory and learning.

Interactive Guided Imagery

In this form of imagery, a trained guide helps you discover and work with your personal imagery about your illness and your healing, clarify any issues that may be involved, and learn to use your mind to support your own healing.

Examine the image below. Check all the boxes below that apply:

            It looks like a bunny rabbit head
            It looks like an elongated horse's head
            It looks like an X-ray, especially that part near the bottom
            It looks like spilled ink that was blotted
            It looks like two distorted Eskimos playing "patty-cake"
            It looks like a giant open mouth, about to devour me
            It looks like a tunnel into another dimension, or maybe New Jersey
It looks like two double-amputees dancing
            It looks like the coast of Italy after an atom bomb attack, only mirrored
            It looks like a pair of one-legged cannibals fighting over a victim
            I love pudding
            It looks like an RLFP DNA test result, with the phenotypes split
            It looks like Satan's head, the white part in the middle (can't you see it?)
            It looks like smudges, or maybe an inkblot
It looks like the Universe exploding and coming at me
            No, you idiot, it's a butterfly that's been crushed by a bootheel
            Ha! This one is definitely an inkblot
            The dark, malevolent shapes remind me of my childhood murder-spree
            I see someone standing on someone else's head with their hands out
            It looks like something under a microscope slide or something
            It looks like someone exposing herself to me, heh heh!

Test Results
Sickness Quotient: 75%
Your "Sickness Quotient" of -----% indicates therapy may be useful.

Detailed Diagnosis
 •          Interpersonal Insights
Your friends (both of them) think you're a total clod. As long as you continue to buy the beer, however, they'll still be your pals. You are utterly incapable of meaningful relationships, which is probably a good thing since you're a horrible bore under the best of conditions.
•           Job Performance & Attitude
Rather than do a one-time job that takes ten minutes, you'd work for 5 years to automate it. Although your work can upon occasion be very good, remember that even monkeys can be trained to do what you do. And they don't call in sick.
•           Personality Insight
Your personal motto is "It's better to ask forgiveness than permission." And you would certainly know.


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