Saturday, December 1, 2012

Aliens exists or not

The nearest habitable planet lies in the Alpha Centauri star cluster 4.1 light years away.

Unless an alien race has somehow developed far faster than us given a likely and logical parallel planetary development, then they would not have the means to reach us.

An alien race trying to reach us would have had to have left their planet two thousand years ago to reach us now – which means their ship would have had to be immense, like the mothership in Independence Day immense, just to have the room to store enough supplies and fuel to reach us. Not to mention that the crew would have had to have numbered in the thousands initially, just to have had enough members to ensure successful breeding of the generations it would take for their descendents to reach us without inbreeding to start taking place.

This would mean schools, hospitals, places of employment, stores, funeral parlors, etc. and a complete recycling of all physical resources, even deceased bodies. Eventually breeding would have to be slowed down artificially in order to not overtax their limited supplies, and there would have to be a “magic number” – the maximum allowable number of beings sustainable by the ship. Once that number was reached the older and sickest members would have to accept euthanasia in order to ensure that babies would be born.

Such a ship, as I said, would be so immense that their approach could not go unnoticed to even simple telescopes available to the public in general. Not only that, but by the time they got here they would have been so ready to disembark and get off that ship that we would have been contacted – kind of a “Hi, how are you, nice to meet you but we’re coming in” kind of attitude.

And any alien race able to logistically execute such a trip would have to have weapons far beyond us, and “hiding” in space would make no sense, as they would have no reason to be afraid of us. In all actual likelihood, their culture would by now be in a “The planet is ours”general thought mode and they would simply arrive and take what they wanted.
There is no proven evidence that Aliens have ever set foot on Earth. Any thing we can not scientifically analysis or prove is Alien in nature, from an atom, a spore, a plant or and animal as we would tend to classify them as, is considered as Alien. If you mean a life form of some kind, we will probably never really know that answer considering how big the Universe really is. We can make speculations, we can claim the environments will not support life, but how do we actually know what will survive and live in different atmospheres. The problems become the fact that other atmospheres may be very dangerous to other life forms as their environment would also be dangerous to humans. I believe they exist some where in the Universe.

My point is quite simple. The Human kind can not go out into space and create planets or things in the Universe. We do not possess that ability or even the knowledge of how to keep it together and support any kind of life forms. Especially with out artificial means of doing it.


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