Sunday, September 14, 2014

English Sample Paper SA 1 Class Fifth

 Q1. Read the passage and the following questions.                      (2x5=10)

King Midas wept and wept, but there was nothing he could do. The stranger came again the next day. You must be very happy now, 'he said, But the king shook his head sadly. 'No,' he said. I have lost everything I loved. I have realized my mistake.'
1. Who wept and wept ?
2. When did stranger come again ?
3. What did Stranger ask the king ?
4. Write the meaning of following word :
Stranger       ________________________
5. Fill up the blanks to compete the sentence:
I have______________    everything I  _____________________
Q2. Match the words under A with their meanings under B.                    (2x5=10)
A                                              B
Sprinkle                                    Relaxed
Forget                                       Spray
Rested                                      Very big
Giant                                        Injured
Wounded                                  Fail to remember
Q3. Make sentences of the following words.                                 (2x5=10)
1. Happy ___________________________________________
2. Water _________________________________________
3. Friend ___________________________________________
4. Animal __________________________________________
5. Eyes ____________________________________________
Q4. Fill up the blanks :                                                                         (2x5=10)
(your exercises,     acted quickly,         gold,   Tenzing,       animal)
1. King Midas loved lovely daughter, and other was__________________
2. Each morning it says, "Now don't forget _________________
3. Hillary was pulled up by ____________________
4. Whales are the largest ________________ever to live
5. Tenzing saw the danger and____________________

Q5. Write forms of verbs :- (1x5=5)
Come           __________________
Find             __________________
Make           __________________
Give             __________________
Write           __________________
Q10. Write opposite words :- (1x5=5)
Hot               __________________
Young          __________________
Black            __________________
Big               __________________
Day              __________________
Q6. Change of numbers :- (1x5=5)
Book _______________________
Chair _______________________
Horse _______________________
Brother _______________________
Tooth _______________________
Q7. Change of Gender :- (1x5=5)
Man _______________________
Girl _______________________
King _______________________
Dog _______________________
Hen _______________________

Q8. Mind Maping:-                                                                     (2x5=5)


Q9. Write in Punjabi:-                                                                         (2x5=10)
1. My birthday is on 5th May. _______________________
2. Harinder will play cricket on Sunday. _______________________
3. The film starts at eight O'clock. _______________________
4. What are you doing in the evening ? _______________________
5. We work from Monday to Friday. _______________________
Q12. Conversation :-                                                                           (2x5=10)
1. In which school do you read ?
2. What is your hobby ?
3. What is the last month of the year ?
4. What is the colour of the Sky ?

5. How many brothers do you have ?


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