Monday, June 10, 2013

Substitute Words

1 A person who believes in fate Fatalist
2 A person who is above hundred years Centenarian
3 A book published after the death of its author Posthumous
4 A book written by an unknown author Anonymous
5 A cinema show which is held in the afternoon Matinee
6 A citizen of the world Cosmopolite
7 A contagious disease which spreads over a huge area Epidemic
8 A drug or other substance that induces sleep Soporific
9 A flesh eating animal Carnivorous
10 A game in which neither party wins Draw
11 A game in which no one wins Draw
12 A game or batter in which neither party wins Drawn/ Tie
13 A Government by a king or queen Monarchy
14 A Government by one Autocracy
15 A Government by the few Oligarchy
16 A Government by the Nobles Aristocracy
17 A Government by the officials Bureaucracy
18 A Government by the people Democracy
19 A Government by the rich Plutocracy
20 A grass eating animal Herbivorous
21 A great lover of books Bibliophile
22 A handwriting that cannot be read Illegible
23 A land animal that breeds in water Amphibian
24 A letter, poem etc. whose author is unknown Anonymous
25 A life history written by oneself Autobiography
26 Belonging to the Middle Ages Medieval
27 Celebration of a hundredth year, once Centenary
28 Government by officials Bureaucracy
29 Government by the nobles Aristocracy
30 Government by the officials Bureaucracy
31 Government by the people Democracy
32 Handwritten book Manuscript
33 Hard but liable to be easily broken Brittle
34 Life story of a man written by himself Autobiography
35 Life story of a man written by other Biography
36 Looking into one Introspection
37 Murder of a father Patricide
38 Murder of a human being Homicide
39 Murder of a mother Matricide
40 Murder of an brother Fratricide
41 Murder of an infant Infanticide
42 Murder of self Suicide
43 Murder of the king Regicide
44 Science of origin of universe Cosmology
45 The period between childhood and adulthood Adolescence
46 The science which treats with life Biology
47 A person who speaks two languages Bilingual
48 A person with an evil reputation Notorious
49 A life history written by somebody else Biography
50 A list of books Catalogue


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